2016 CGE Annual Meeting
CGE celebrates 30 years of global education
September 14016, 2016 at Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, AR
CGE members celebrated 30 years of impacting international education at our 2016 Annual Meeting hosted by Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, AR. Members gathered to honor founding members, hear key moments of significance related to global impact, and focus on how critical it is for private universities to engage in creating trusting partnerships through international education.
CGE’s commitment to the great and small illustrates the heart and trustworthiness of our organization. A Chinese proverb illustrates this, “When there is trust, no proof is necessary. When there is none, no proof is possible.” In CGE, building trust is a hallmark of our efforts. Each member embodies the value that no person is insignificant and no cause unworthy if it advances educational skills and abilities of citizens who create healthy global partnerships.
Over 30 years, CGE representing a high quality of academic excellence and a sincere commitment to Christian values has integrated seamlessly the outreach to university communities in many nations. These communities range from well-known global cities like Shanghai, China and Rome, Italy to smaller communities like Hakha, Myanmar and Zahle, Lebanon.
Even more so today than before, CGE engages in a critical role of shining light on educational opportunities that enrich and stretch the minds of students and faculty. Abraham Lincoln said “I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have.” CGE members act as educational ambassadors who partner with high government officials and community leaders to address global needs of schooling, curriculum, teaching, community service, and the educational crisis for refugee students and isolated schools.