2014 CGE Annual Meeting
Sept 17-19, 2014 - Hosted by Baylor University
Please join us for CGE’s 27th Annual Meeting at Baylor University in Waco, TX. Participants will engage in a time of listening and sharing with key global speakers and planning toward the advancement of quality education with a caring heart throughout CGE’s global networks.
Keynote speakers at the 2014 meeting include Dr. Billy Kim of the Far East Broadcasting Company in Korea, Dr. Marlene Wall from LCC International University in Lithuania, Dr. Hor Peng, Rector of the National University of Management in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, CGE new partners from Myanmar Business Answers, representatives from Christian universities in South Korea, and headmasters from K-12 Christian schools in South Korea.
Special Event: Thursday at 7:30 PM - At the CGE banquet this year on Thursday evening, the FEBC Korean Children's Choir will perform and CGE will highlight new opportunities in South Korea and a model for future educational cooperation.
Workshop topics include (click on each to learn more):
AmeriStudy - International Student Recruiting - Planning for Admission Criteria
Study Abroad and Learning Abroad - Semester and Summer
Global Cities study abroad with CAPA International
Baseball and Business - Summer 2015 in Cambodia
The Global Voice of Educators: Liverpool - a CGE Hope Summer Semester
New Border Schools and Relief for Refugee Students
Strategic Myanmar Student Internships for Summer 2015
Communication, Placements and Training Through Skybridge
New Opportunity: Teacher Training programs in South Korea, China and UAE
Middle East Forum: Wednesday 2:00 PM - An emphasis on the CGE efforts in Middle East including an update of issues and strategies that are working in the Middle East to impact through education. Dr. Bill Mitchell from Baylor and distinguished faculty will present along with Dr. Nabil Costa, the CEO of the Lebanese Society for Educational and Social Development.
Meeting Schedule:
Wednesday September 17
2:00 - 4:30 PM CGE Special Event: Middle East Forum - Cashion Bldg. 5th Floor
5:00 - 7:30 PM Registration & University Display Set-Up - Cashion Bldg. 5th Floor, Small Room
5:00 - 6:30 PM Executive Committee Dinner and Meeting - Armstrong Browning Library, Cox
Reception Hall
5:45 - 6:45 PM Tour of Baylor Campus for International Guests - Visitor Parking Lot of Cashion
Baylor Admissions will host this bus tour
7:00 - 8:00 PM Welcome from Baylor's President - Cashion Bldg. 5th Floor
Judge Starr will provide welcoming remarks and International guests introduced
Thursday September 18
8:00 - 9:00 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast - Cashion 5th Floor
9:00 - 11:15 AM First Plenary Session - Cashion 5th Floor
Keynote Speakers: Dr. Billy Kim, founder and CEO of Far East Broadcasting Company from Seoul, South Korea;
Dr. Hor Peng, Rector, National University of Management, Phnom Penh, Cambodia;
Dr. Kang Sovannara, Dean, Graduate School, NUM; Dr.Steve Paterson, Advisor,
NUM; Dr. Joseph Kim, Headmaster, Central Christian Academy, Suwon, South Korea
11:15 - 12:15 PM Global Round Table Breakout Discussions - Cashions 5th Floor
Countries included will be: South Korea, United Kingdom, Cambodia, Lithuania, Thailand,
Lebanon, Jordan, China/Hong Kong, Greece, Myanmar
12:15 - 1:35 PM Special LunchTime - Lunch and group picture, McLane Stadium, Baylor Club
1:45 - 3:15 PM Keynote Speakers: Dr. Nabil Costa, CEO/President, LSESD;
Dr. Nirund Jivasantikarn, Founder and Chair, American-Thai Foundation
3:30 - 5:00 PM Workshops - Classrooms in or near Cashion
Topics: South Korea - Partnering Together; International Student Recruiting; Study Abroad
and Learning Abroad; Baseball & Business for Summer 2015 in Cambodia; The
Global Voices of Educators; Liverpool - a Port for Inclusion and a CGE Hope Semester; Education
and Relief for Refugee Students; and Communication and Training through Skybridge
5:00 - 6:00 PM CGE Business meeting - TBD
7:30 - 9:00 PM Banquet - Mayborn Museum - a Gala Event - Korean Children's Choir and
Dr. Billy Kim sharing "Future Partnerships for Christians in the US and South Korea"
Friday September 19
8:00 - 8:30 AM Registration & Continental Breakfast - Cashions 5th Floor
8:00 - 9:00 AM Invitational President's Breakfast - with Chancellor Kenneth Starr -
McMullen - Connally Faculty Center, President's Room
8:30 - 9:40 AM Workshops - Rooms in or near Cashions
9:45 – 12:00 noon Third Plenary Session - Cashions 5th Floor
Keynote Speakers: Dr. Marlene Wall, President, LCC Int'l University, Lithuania;
Natalija Nausede, Associate Dean - International Education, LCC Int'l University;
Chinda Tejavanjia Chang, Asst. to President for Int'l Affairs, Sripatum University, Thailand; Ryan Russell, Executive
Director, Myanmar Business Answers, Cambodia; Dr. Barry Evans, Dean of Business, Wayland Baptist University
Adjourn at noon
A pre-meeting forum is available on Wednesday afternoon, September 17, for colleagues interested in opportunities to be part of CGE's strategic role in the Middle East. Representatives from CGE's partners in the Middle East will come to give participants insights into how they can have a role in providing quality global education in this region of the world. Speakers will include Dr. Bill Mitchell with other Baylor faculty, CGE school leaders and faculty going to that region, and international guests from Lebanon, Dr. Nabil Costa and Hiba Al-Jamal, and from CGE Jordan, Director Fred Tiedemann. Forum Registration is included in the Annual Meeting registration.
Come and reconnect with all of CGE's overseas partners and hear about the upcoming 2014-2015 international events, programs, and projects.
We will see you September 17-19 in Texas! Enjoy good Texas barbecue, country music, strategic discussions, and smiles from all your CGE friends!